Chapter Review Questions ========================= #. When might you prefer a ``for`` loop in place of a ``while`` loop? What do you gain? #. When might you prefer a ``while`` loop or a ``foreach`` instead of a ``for`` loop? #. When you have nested ``for`` loops, and you reach the bottom of the *body* of the *inner* loop, where does execution go next? #. May you legally omit the initialization part of a ``for`` loop? #. What happens when you omit the condition in a ``for`` loop? #. In the heading of a ``for`` loop, how do you initialize or update several variables? #. Rewrite :: num /= 2; equivalently without the operand ``/=``. #. Rewrite :: bigName = bigName - 10; with a statement that only includes ``bigName`` once. #. Distinguish the effects of these two statements:: x-=2; x=-2; #. What is printed? :: Console.WriteLine("12345678"); for( int p = 1; p < 6; p++) { string formatStr = "{0:F" + p + "}"; Console.WriteLine(formatStr, 1.2345678); } #. What is printed? (Just ",4" has been inserted.) :: Console.WriteLine("12345678"); for( int p = 1; p < 6; p++) { string formatStr = "{0,4:F" + p + "}"; Console.WriteLine(formatStr, 1.2345678); } #. What is printed? :: Console.WriteLine("123456"); for( int w = 6; w >= -6; w -= 4) { string formatStr = "{0," + w + "}|"; Console.WriteLine(formatStr, "here"); }