.. index:: syntax template typography typography of syntax templates .. _Syntax-Template-Typography: Syntax Template Typography ============================== When new C# syntax is introduced, the usual approach will be to give both specific examples and general templates. In general templates for C# syntax the typeface indicates the the category of each part: =================== =================================================== Typeface Meaning =================== =================================================== ``Typewriter font`` Text to be written *verbatim* **Bold** A place where you can use an arbitrary identifier. *Emphasized* A place where you can use an arbitrary expression (which might be a single variable name). Normal text A description of what goes in that position, without giving explicit syntax =================== =================================================== An attempt is made with the parts that are not verbatim to be descriptive of the use expected. As a start we can give some general syntax for declarations and assignment statements: .. index:: statement; declaration declaration statement Declaration Syntax Options --------------------------- **type** **variableName** ``;`` or with initialization: **type** **variableName** ``=`` *initialValue* ``;`` or there can be a list of variables of the same type, for instance a list of three variables: **type** **variableName1** ``,`` **variableName2** ``,`` **variableName3** ``;`` Some or all of the variables in the list could also have initializers. Space is allocated for each variable named, according to its type. Where there is an initializer, an initial value is set for the variable. .. index:: assignment statement statement; assignment Assignment Syntax ------------------ **variableName** ``=`` *expression* ``;`` The *expression* is evaluated before its value is assigned to **variableName**.