Chapter Review Questions

  1. When might you prefer a for loop in place of a while loop? What do you gain?

  2. When might you prefer a while loop or a foreach instead of a for loop?

  3. When you have nested for loops, and you reach the bottom of the body of the inner loop, where does execution go next?

  4. May you legally omit the initialization part of a for loop?

  5. What happens when you omit the condition in a for loop?

  6. In the heading of a for loop, how do you initialize or update several variables?

  7. Rewrite

    num /= 2;

    equivalently without the operand /=.

  8. Rewrite

    bigName = bigName - 10;

    with a statement that only includes bigName once.

  9. Distinguish the effects of these two statements:

  10. What is printed?

    for( int p = 1; p < 6; p++) {
        string formatStr = "{0:F" + p + "}";
        Console.WriteLine(formatStr, 1.2345678);
  11. What is printed? (Just “,4” has been inserted.)

    for( int p = 1; p < 6; p++) {
        string formatStr = "{0,4:F" + p + "}";
        Console.WriteLine(formatStr, 1.2345678);
  12. What is printed?

    for( int w = 6; w >= -6; w -= 4) {
        string formatStr = "{0," + w + "}|";
        Console.WriteLine(formatStr, "here");